Wega Wellbeing Point
Elaborate visits at clinics and labs is a
cumbersome process.
By synthesizing 20+ years of research and cutting edge MEDTECH, Wegamed has developed two integrated solutions suites that serve as a one-stop solution for therapeutic, diagnostic, and wellness needs for alternative/complementary medicine clinics and holistic wellness centers.
Our solutions are designed around 2 distinct patient journeys possibilities (foundational and advanced) with our offerings of – Wega Wellbeing Point and Wegamed Wellness Clinic.
Our Wellbeing Point is powered with a suite for 4 Wegamed devices / modalities – Holistic health assessment and diagnostics with Check Medical Sport , whole body detoxification with Med Matrix and Foot Bath, emotional and mental harmonization, and balancing with Med Audio color & Neurofeedback.
The Wegamed Wellbeing point offers our patients a 5 step rejuvenating journey
Promising full-body rejuvenation via integrated devices
Unique benefits of our Wellbeing Point™ include :

The Wegamed Wellbeing Point is an oasis of holistic well being