Accessing Holistic Wellness
Posted on: May 31, 2023The health and wellness space is undergoing rapid transformation, driven by patients’ increasing desire to gain a deeper understanding of the real causes of their health conditions and to pursue holistic wellbeing.
But why this shift?
The primary reason lies in individuals seeking natural approaches that address the root causes of their health conditions rather than just a “pill” that solves the pain temporarily. There is also a greater realization of the side effects of long-term drug dependency. And the acceptance of the idea that lifestyle health conditions need lifestyle changes and natural approaches of detoxification and rejuvenation to have sustainable results.
This is leading to much greater use of complementary, holistic, natural, and non-invasive approaches to health and wellbeing that are focused on stimulating the innate healing capacity of the human body.
A 7-step healing journey with Wegamed Wellness Center
Wegamed Wellness Center empowered7-step healing journey provides a comprehensive, personalized, and fully-integrated solution based on principles of biological and holistic medicine. Our solution offers a unique synthesis of the wisdom of natural medicine, combined with the latest technology, offering an integrated suite of clinically researched and medically approved devices that support patients’ healing journey.
Here’s the list of our 7-step healing journey:
- 1. Holistic diagnostic and assessment:
This is the first step that sets the foundation of the healing journey. With an advanced non-invasive whole-body diagnostic measurement, we help practitioners, physicians, and clinical partners comprehensively evaluate their patient’s health, including regulating all major organ systems and mind-body balance information. The assessment also includes concerns that are not clinically significant yet but may emerge.(Device used: Check Medical Sport)
- 2. Consultation (with a certified medical doctor):
Based on the whole body diagnostic report, certified doctors/health professionals spend time with patients to understand their health concerns and healing goals and educate them about the underlying causes of their clinical symptoms. A mutually agreed personalized healing journey is crafted at this step, and any further testing needs are identified.
- 3. Advanced diagnostics and allergen testing:
Our special diagnostic tools help support a detailed and precise pathogen analysis for the root cause of the presenting health symptoms– in a non-invasive manner(for 5000+ pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, heavy metals, vaccination stress, etc.). Meridien stress testing is also available at this step. (Device used: Test Expert Plus)
- 4. Development of a personalized therapy plan:
Based on the results of whole body diagnostics, advanced testing, and consultation with the medical professional – a customized healing journey (therapy plan is developed) for each patient. Cutting-edge Wegamed Medtech empowers each step of this journey.
- 5. Bio-individualized detoxification and regeneration therapies:
Detoxification is essential for a healthy body. Toxins are often stored in the connecting tissue of the body and are the cause of most chronic conditions. We use a unique method that combines 5 therapies in one to allow the body to flush out toxins and stimulate its innate ability to heal and regenerate. This step also includes Bioresonance therapy and digital homeopathy therapy.(Device used: Med Matrix and Med Select)
- 6. Emotional-mental harmonization, self-therapy, and integration:
Wegamed believes in the interconnection of emotional and mental health with physical wellbeing. At this step, we used tools like audio color therapy and neurofeedback to support and integrate the healing outcomes for patients, especially concerning their emotional-mental wellbeing. This allows the results to become more sustainable in patients’ lives/(Device used: Med Audio Color, Neurofeedback, Detox Footbath)
- 7. Personalized follow-up and Total Wellbeing PlanTM:
The last step of the journeyfocuses on developing a follow-up plan to deepen the healing further, support lifestyle transformation and prepare a personalized ongoing plan to improve overall health and wellbeing.
Accelerating patient recovery at every step, hand-in-hand
Wegamed powers your wellness plans at every step, firstly, with extensive research that helped us build innovative diagnosis devices and support patients’ recovery with top-tier therapy devices. Our customer support is an international network of medically qualified specialist advisers that assist in installing and supporting our devices. In addition, our medical hotline is equipped with expert medics and therapists to answer any queries regarding the devices and techniques and provide quick and personalized solutions.
Moreover, with our special maintenance agreements for all Wegamed devices, we aim to reduce any downtime that may occur. We also provide our customers access to informative yet interesting practical seminars explaining our products and regularly interact with international peer groups on our forum.
Upgrade your practice with Wegamed Wellness Center
Over 90% of patients have witnessed relief in symptoms only after the first session. Such is the capability of Wegamed devices. Wegamed Wellness Center has improved patients’ conditions with its integrated, holistic health solutions that are easy to use and help build customer loyalty and improve customer satisfaction
A look at Wegamed’s suite of products:
- ● Check Medical Sport (Class 2A, CE marked medical devices) – Non-invasive, health assessment and therapy planning for sportspersons in just eight minutes
- ● Med Matrix (Class 2A, CE marked medical devices) – Detoxifies and rejuvenates the matrix of the body in one session by combining five modalities
- ● Med Select (Class 2A, CE marked medical devices) – Bio-individualized therapy with Bioresonance
- ● Test Expert Plus (Class 2A, CE marked medical devices) – Non-invasive testing devices for 5000+ pathogens and allergens
- ● Med Audiocolor – Self-therapy that provides real-time neurofeedback
- ● Detox Footbath – Detoxifies the whole body while improving sleep quality, energy level, and organ regulations
- ● SOE Air – Portable device that improves oxygen availability by 15+%
Get in touch with us
Do you want to upgrade your treatment plans and ensure the complete wellbeing of your patient’s health?
If so, click here or write to us at to learn more about our wellness devices and holistic approach.